Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Guruwafaa's Interviews with Newspapers & Magazines

Some of our local, National & International news on newspapers & magazines 2003-2011.
By Guruwafaa, founder& president of Yoga Federation of Egypt, Africa & Middle East.


OM YESS International Portuguese Yoga Magazine: Guruwafaa the pioneer & the president of Yoga Federation Egypt, Africa & Middle East, the Yoga Teacher & the strong woman.


Al Mussawar Magazine Egypt,24th November 2010 Issue 4494 Page 30- 31 by Rania Salim: Interview with Guruwafaa about her Islam Yoga Programs for Egypt, Middle East, Arab countries and all Muslims everywhere with Guruwafaa's programs of Yoga Dance and Couple Yoga.


Sports and Fitness International Magazine Egypt, Middle East and Europe, July 2009 Page 40-41 by Rebecca Keillor: Interview with Guruwafaa with Front page title "yoga, tips from the gurus"

Washwasha newspaper Egypt,8th Sept. 2009 Issue 143 Page19 by Dina Sami: Interview with Guruwafaa about her Yoga Therapy programs in Egypt and Middle East.


Almal newspaper, Egypt Issue 253, 31st Jan. 2008 Page 13 by Nesma Sadek: Interview with Guruwafaa the member of the universal Parliament of religions and worldwide Yoga council and her programs of Yoga, Healing and therapy for women and Family in Egypt, Africa and Middle East.

Akher Saa Magazine, Egypt 6th Feb. 2008 Issue 3824 Page 40-41 by Eman El Khamesy: interview with Guruwafaa and her students.

Rosalyousef newspaper 29th April 2008 Issue 848 by Hassan Abu Khuzaiem: News by Guruwafaa about the 3rd International Yoga Festival, Egypt-Middle East.

Seh'ha Magazine Egypt May 2008 Issue 032: News by Guruwafaa about the 3rd International Egyptian Yoga Festival and her press conference with Egyptian and Middle East Media for Cairo, Dead Sea Yoga Festival 2008.

Al-Ahram Weekly newspaper, Egypt 19th -25th June 2008 Issue 1110-2977 Page 18 by Amira El-Noshokaty: The joy of yoga, Interview with Guruwafaa Hassanein and her Yoga, Healing and Therapy programs in Egypt and Arab countries for Autistic Children and children with special needs.

Washwasha newspaper, Egypt www.washwasha.org 25th Nov. 2008 Issue 103 Page 21 by Dina Sami: Interview with Guruwafaa and her programs for Yoga and Healing.


Washwash newspaper, Egypt www.washwasha.org Issue 10, 30th Jan. 2007 by Neveen Hegazy: Interview with Guruwafaa about her yoga programs for the Egyptian Society.

Al Messa newspaper, Egypt www.almessa.net.eg Issue 18193 20th Feb. 2007: News by Guruwafaa about the 2nd International Egyptian Yoga Festival and the press conference about her organization of the festival as the president of the International yoga federation of Egypt, Africa and Middle East.

Insight Magazine www.egyptinsight.com Issue May 2007 Page 46-47 by Francesca Sullivan: Interview with Guruwafaa with Front Page Title (Egypt's yoga guru separates the fact from fiction.

Safar Magazine, National Egyptian Tv and Radio Magazine www.Maspiro.com 1st Issue 24th Feb. 2007 Page 16-17: Interview with Guruwafaa about 2nd international Egyptian Yoga Festival and her Yoga Tour programs for improving the tourism in Egypt.

Middle East Media, Paris Gallery Magazine Issue 5 Oct. 2007 by Sherif Abdulmonem Page 152, 153, 154, 155: Interview with Guruwafaa about Her yoga programs for Egypt and Middle East.


Al-Ahram newspaper, Egypt; 21st Jan. 2006, back page by Mohamed Raslan: Announcing by Guruwafaa for the first international Egyptian Yoga Festival and the news of the held press conference by her and the rest of the team.

Shashati Magazine, Egypt, Issue 347 2006 Page 34: News of the first international Egyptian yoga Festival.

Ain Newspaper 8th June 2006 Issue 152 Page 18: " Guruwafaa: First Lady Yoga". عين Newspaper

International Herald tribune Published by The New York Times; The Daily Star Egypt www.dailystaregypt.com; Issue Saturday, August 12, 2006 Page 7: Egypt lifestyle, It's not a religion or a weight loss program; interview with Guru Wafaa H. A. by Erika Solomon.

What is enlightenment Magazine www.wie.org Issue 33 June-August 2006 Page 16: interview with Guruwafaa and Her Yoga shows on the national Egyptian TV by Igal Moria


Lounge Magazine Issue August 2005 Page 28: LOUNGE Q & A: WHAT ABOUT YOGA.


Business Today Egypt Magazine www.BusinessTodayEgypt.com; January 2004, Vol 10, Issue 1, Page 97.: The Good Life, for your Health by Jacky Tuinstra.

Al Akhbar Egyptian newspaper 3rd March 2004 Page 2: "New Yoga courses in the Russian Cultural Center and special day for women with another spatial day for Family program".

Rashaqati newspaper, Mahbobati page11 Egypt 8th April 2004: "Special women program by Guruwafaa in the Indian Cultural Center, Cairo.

Al Akhbar Egyptian newspaper 27th May 2004 page 2: "For the 3rs year, Annual celebration of the foundation of the Art Yoga School in the Russian Cultural Center by the founder Guru Wafaa with FREE yoga classes for everyone".

Al Akhbar Egyptian newspaper 15th Sept. 2004 Page 2: "New Yoga programs for kids, pregnant women and old ages in Yoga Art School by the Director of the school Guru Wafaa"

Al Akhbar Egyptian newspaper 14th Oct. 2004 Page 2: "Special Yoga program for fasting Ramadan for kids and everyone".


Al Akhbar newspaper, Egypt 14th Sept. 2003 Page 2: "2years"celebration Yoga programs for the foundation of Yoga school and Studio- Free Yoga classes by Guruwafaa at Russian Cultural Center, Cairo-Egypt".

Al Akhbar newspaper, Egypt 17th Oct. 2003 Page 2: "Free Yoga Sessions by Guruwafaa for 2years"celebration Yoga programs for the foundation of Yoga school and Studio".

Horreyati magazine, Egypt 5th Oct. 2003 Issue No. 713: "2years annual celebration FREE Yoga programs by Guru Wafaa Ahmed in her yoga school inside the Russian Cultural Center, Cairo".

Saturday, April 21, 2012

العلاج بدون جراحة أو عقاقير

يتكون جسم الانسان من عدد من الطبقات المختلفة التكوين من اجسام مادية  مرئية واخرى غير مادية او مرئية. عند اصابة الجسم المادى بضرر مثل اصابة العمود الفقرى وفقراته او احد الاعضاء الداخلية او اضطراب هرمونات احد الغدد او غيره يكون عادة السبب هو اضطراب فى احد الاجسام الغير مرئية فى جسم الانسان والمرتبط بصورة مباشرة بالجسم المادى المصاب بالتبعية. ان علاج الجسم المادى المصاب غالبا ما يؤدى الى حالة من الشفاء المؤقت ثم يعود المرض مرة اخرى او ينتقل الى احد الاعضاء الاخرى. اما اذا تم علاج الجسم الغير مادى وهو المصدر الاساسى لمرض الجسم المادى فيكون الشفاء تاما باذن الله. الاجسام الغير مادية فى جسم الانسان هى طبقات مختلفة ومتجانسة من الطاقة مثل الطاقة الفكرية والعاطفية والروحية وطاقة الجسم المادى والمجالات الكهرومغناطيسية المحيطة بالجسم المادى والمرتبطة به وبحالته الصحية والفكرية والعاطفية والروحية. عند حدوث عطب فى مجالات ومراكز الطاقة الغير مرئية لجسم الانسان ينتقل هذا العطب فى شكل امراض عضوية او نفسية او عقلية الى الجسم المادى وبعلاج الجسم المادى يعود المرض مرة اخرى حيث ان مصدر العطب مازال عليلا ولم يتم علاجه. بعلاج الجسم الغير مادى المصاب يتم ازالة سبب المرض الجسمانى مع علاج ماتم الحاقه سابقا من المرض عن طريق سبل مختلفة من العلاج الغير مادى والمادى للمريض
لتشخيص وعلاج الجسم المادى ايا كانت اصابتة

الاتحاد الفيدرالى الدولى لليوجا لمصر وافريقيا والشرق الاوسط
مركز د/ وفاء الدولى لعلوم العلاج بالطاقة

أتصل بنا لحجز جلسات العلاج اوالدراسة ببرنامج ممارس دولى للعلاج بالطاقة

الفرع الرئيسى: المهندسين- سفنكس

تمنياتنا بالشفاء العاجل للجميع

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The International Yoga, Healing & Metaphysical Science Project by Guruwafaa

Guruwafaa Ji, the founder & president of Yoga Federation of Egypt, Africa & Middle East leads International Yoga - Healing- Metaphysical Science project for all countries of Africa & Middle East from Egypt. Egypt is the center & the connection between Africa & Middle East. Every month, Guruwafaa leads a Yoga, Healing & Metaphysical Science event between Cairo, Egypt and another country in Africa and/or Middle East.

Egypt, Africa & Middle East

Yoga Mata Guruwfaa Ji created and directed a physical, mental & spiritual human system healing programs through yoga, healing & metaphysical science from Egypt to Africa & Middle East & Online worldwide teaching & healing programs.